
Over three decades back in a little nation town of South West Australia, Kevin Inkster was prototyping Arbortech's first business item known as the woodcarver sharp edge. This little circle was sold as a connection to an edge processor and utilized for moulding wood in a manner at no other time envisioned. This new sort of carpentry is presently generally alluded to as "Force Carving". Today, Arbortech gladly drives this industry with a genuinely progressive scope of instruments that have motivated our client's innovative soul around the globe.


Testing the standard was imparted in the organization's DNA from the very first moment and the constant innovative work of thoughts by our devoted R and D group keep on proving to be fruitful with troublesome advances. The fruitful All saw innovation, utilized for cutting of mortar and block without the requirement for grease joined with a sharp pounding edge activity is currently in its third dynamic model (AS175). Its remarkable capacity to cut square, profound and with least residue into stone work dividers offers a cleaner working condition which adjusts well to the organization's Values and Principle of "regard for the individual and condition"

While we are trailblazers, we are more than the instruments we make. A community oriented, comprehensive and various group is the thing that permits us to accomplish to the level that we do. Our way of life is immovably established around our motivation and by holding fast to our Values and Principles we practice what we accept.

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Arbortech Tilers Mini Grinder Trade

Arbortech Tilers Mini Grinder Trade MIN.FG.610.00 Specifically designed for trade applications..

$369.00 Ex Tax: $335.45

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